AYSR had a great 1st year for our 200 Hr YTT so we are offering it again!
Students can Choose from the Student Development Course only, or the 200hr Mentorship YTT, which includes the Student Development course.
AYSR Student Development Track
Join Lorie Bird for this 4-month immersion into the Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga practice. We’ll study in depth: Primary series asana, pranayama, vinyasa count, yoga sutras, and more. These foundational concepts carry through to advanced series asana, making this course appropriate for any level of student, from beginner to advanced, including those practicing beyond Primary series. Teachers will find the material helpful to round out their Ashtanga knowledge and enhance their classes.
As students of Ashtanga yoga, we all need a little help staying engaged with practice at times. This course offers in-depth material to work with in your daily practice and beyond, as well as a community to keep you inspired, help you past that plateau and lighten the monotony of daily practice. We’ll meet regularly for a weekend workshop, where we can check in on progress, answer questions and support each other’s journey. By the end of the course, you’ll have a better understanding of the practice as a whole, and how it can be a transformational daily devotion.
What’s Included:
4 weekends of workshops focusing on all the key aspects of Ashtanga practice in the context of the Primary Series. Topics include:
Breakdown of postures in the Primary Series
Sanskrit and Vinyasa Counting
Transitions in Primary Series
Led Practices
Theory Discussion & Sutra Study
Unlimited class pass for the duration of the Program (students expected to practice Ashtanga at least 3x/week throughout the program)
Reading and Journal assignment suggestions
(see Workshop Schedule below)
$1200 / Installments: 4 Auto-draft payments of $300.
If cost is an issue, please reach out to me directly to discuss options ~ Tuition is non-refundable.
(Descriptions & Details are updated on Workshop | Events page)
January 11-12nd Weekend Workshop: Ashtanga Foundations
Saturday January 11th: 8:30-10:00am Led Primary; 10:30am-12pm Intro to Ashtanga/History (5 elements of Ashtanga); 1-3pm Breaking Down Sun Salutations
Sunday January 12th: 8:30-10:30am Mysore; 11am-12pm Sutra Talk; 1-3pm Breaking Down Standing Postures
February 22-23rd Weekend Workshop: Primary Series Part I - Strength & Flexibility
Saturday February 23rd: 8:30-10:00am Led Primary; 10:30am-12pm Sanskrit & Vinyasa Counting; 1-3pm 1st Half Seated Postures
Sunday Sunday February 24th-10:30am Mysore; 11am-12pm Sutra Talk; 1-3pm The Train Wreck
March 8-9th Weekend Workshop: Primary Series Part 2 - Testing Limits
Saturday March 8th: 8:30-10:00am Led Practice & Talk; 10:30am-12pm Pranayama; 1-3pm 2nd Half Seated Postures
Sunday March 9th: 8:30-10:30am Mysore ; 11am-12pm Sutra Talk; 1-3pm Transitions
April 12-13th Workshops: Beyond Primary - Closing Out and Moving on
Saturday April 12th: 8:30-10am Led Practice & Talk; 10:30am-12pm Alternate Sequences; 1-3pm Inversions & Closing Sequence
Sunday April 13th: 8:30-10:30am Mysore; 11am-12pm Sutra Talk; 1-3pm Backbends
READING LIST Suggestions:
One Simple Thing (Eddie Stern)
Secrets of Yogic Breathing: Vayu Siddhi (David Garrigues)
The Yoga Sutras; any translation you like. I recommend: The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali (Chip Hartranft); Yoga: Discipline of Freedom (Barbara Stoller Miller); The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali (Sri Swami Satchidananda); Yoga Sutras for Ashtanga Students Online Course (David Garrigues)
Ashtanga Yoga Vinyasa (David Garrigues)
AYSR Mentorship YTT Track
Teaching Ashtanga yoga is a special experience. It is traditionally taught in a “mysore style” format, allowing each individual student to receive personalized instruction at their own pace in the same space as others that may be at different points in their journey. The teacher’s responsibility is to support and guide each person, meeting them where they are. This requires a strong knowledge of the Ashtanga vinyasa yoga system, but also a strong understanding of how it can be adapted to the individual. A lot of that knowledge and understanding comes from being a student first, which is a large part of the AYSR Teacher Training program.
This course is for those who are interested in an even deeper understanding of the Ashtanga yoga system, and those interested in teaching Ashtanga yoga in the mysore or led class format. This will be a fast paced course so a commitment to regular practice and full participation in the workshops is required, as well as completion of assignments as given. This course includes 200 hours of instruction, and participants will receive a YA certificate of completion upon meeting the requirements.
Student Development Course (See Above)
addition clinics dedicated to the art of teaching Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga. Topics include: vinyasa count, anatomy, adjustments, the mysore method of teaching, and more
30 hour online anatomy course with David Keil
Reading assignments
Workbook assignments
Observation time in the Mysore room & working one-on-one with students
Opportunity to lead part of a Led Primary Series class
Opportunity to observe/assist in a Mysore style class
$2100; Early Bird: $2000 if paid in full before Jaunuary 1st, 2025; Installments: 4 Auto-draft payments of $525.
If cost is an issue, contact me directly to discuss options ~ tuition is non-refundable.
Books Required to Purchase:
One Simple Thing (Eddie Stern)
Functional Anatomy of Yoga (David Keil)
Ashtanga Practice Manual (David Swenson) or Ashtanga Yoga Vinyasa (David Garrigues)
The Yoga Sutras; any translation you like.
Recommendations: The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali (Chip Hartranft); Yoga: Discipline of Freedom (Barbara Stoller Miller); The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali (Sri Swami Satchidananda); Yoga Sutras for Ashtanga Students Online Course (David Garrigues)
Teaching Yoga with Verbal Cues (David Garrigues)
(Optional) Secrets of Yogic Breathing: Vayu Siddhi (David Garrigues)
Guest Teacher Weekend Workshops are required. The first one is February 7-9 with Taylor Hunt.
Teacher Bio
Lorie Bird - ERYT500/YACEP
Former owner and founder of New Bern Yoga, in New Bern, NC, Lorie has always been athletic, predominately running for a good portion of her adult life. Yoga was initially as part of her marathon training, but as her life shifted, so did her journey with yoga. Several years ago health issues turned her life upside down, but yoga was a constant that helped to keep her mind and body going. She continued her practice, but also began pranayama and meditation practices as well as reading The Yoga Sutras and The Bhagavad Gita. As her passion continued to grow, she pursued studying Ashtanga Yoga in Thailand under Vari Morales, where she learned the history and philosophy associated with traditional Ashtanga as well as the physical practice of asana.
After completing her YTT, she has continued her practice & studies. joining the AYSR community in 2020. She completed her apprenticeship under the guidance of her mentor & teacher Stacy Ingham. She has continued practicing, studying & teaching under Stacy’s guidance.
She has co-taught both the Student Development Course and YTT with her teacher Stacy..