Weekend Workshop: Beyond Primary Series - Closing Out and Moving On
The Primary Series of Ashtanga yoga refers to the seated postures from Paschimottanasana through Setu Bandasana. But that’s not the end of the story! A full practice includes a backbending section as well as a closing sequence to ensure a balanced energy and a calm nervous system. In this weekend workshop, we’ll look closely at those sections, as well as explore a bit of Second Series, and a few alternate sequences to support a balanced daily diet of yoga.
NOTE This weekend workshop is part of the AYSR Student Development Course. It can also be taken on its own. For more information on the Student Development Course, CLICK HERE
Saturday April 12th
8:30-10:00am: Led Half Primary & Half Second Series -- Some say that a balanced diet of Ashtanga yoga includes Primary Series and Second Series. The first section of Second Series in particular provides a nice balance to the dominance of forward folds in Primary Series. So let’s talk a peek! We’ll Practice Primary Series up to Navasana, then the first several postures of Second Series, as appropriate for those in attendance. Practice will be followed by a discussion & Q&A
10:30am-12pm: Alternate Practices — There are days built in to the Ashtanga tradition for rest, allowing for a robust practice most other days. But let’s be real…sometimes you need to explore the practice from a slightly different angle. In this workshop we’ll discuss options for those days you don’t have enough time and energy, as well as those days you have some extra juice!
1-3pm: Closing Sequence: Shoulderstand, Headstand and all the rest — The Closing Sequence of Ashtanga consists of two inversions - Headstand and Shoulderstand, along with some variations and counterposes. Considered the King and Queen of asana, Headstand and Shoulderstand both build strength in the upper body, as well as calming the nervous system in preparation for Savasana. In this workshop we’ll explore these postures using props, modifications, and enhancements to help us get more out of these amazing postures.
Sunday April 13th
8:30-10:30am: Mysore Class
11am-12pm: Sutras & Philosophy — A discussion of yoga philosophy based on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali (chapter1) and other texts.
1-3pm: Backbends — Positioned at the end of practice, Backbends provide a welcome balance to the forward folds of Primary Series. However, Urdvha Dhanurasana is not considered a beginner backbend, and many people have difficulty with this posture. In this workshop, we’ll begin with some foundational backbends from the Second Series, moving through these postures in an “easiest to hardest” progression, so ALL LEVELS are welcome. You are sure to gain some insights no matter where you are in your practice.
$120 for the Full Weekend; $35 per session
Cancellation Policy:
Cancellations made up to 14 days prior to the start of the Workshop will receive a refund minus any credit card fees already accrued and a $15 handling fee. No refunds will be given for cancellations made within 14 days of the start of the Workshop.