Weekend Workshop: Beyond Primary Series - Closing Out and Moving On
to Apr 13

Weekend Workshop: Beyond Primary Series - Closing Out and Moving On

  • Ashtanga Yoga School Raleigh (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The Primary Series of Ashtanga yoga refers to the seated postures from Paschimottanasana through Setu Bandasana. But that’s not the end of the story! A full practice includes a backbending section as well as a closing sequence to ensure a balanced energy and a calm nervous system. In this weekend workshop, we’ll look closely at those sections, as well as explore a bit of Second Series, and a few alternate sequences to support a balanced daily diet of yoga.

NOTE This weekend workshop is part of the AYSR Student Development Course. It can also be taken on its own. For more information on the Student Development Course, CLICK HERE

Saturday April 12th

8:30-10:00am: Led Half Primary & Half Second Series -- Some say that a balanced diet of Ashtanga yoga includes Primary Series and Second Series. The first section of Second Series in particular provides a nice balance to the dominance of forward folds in Primary Series. So let’s talk a peek! We’ll Practice Primary Series up to Navasana, then the first several postures of Second Series, as appropriate for those in attendance. Practice will be followed by a discussion & Q&A

10:30am-12pm: Alternate Practices — There are days built in to the Ashtanga tradition for rest, allowing for a robust practice most other days. But let’s be real…sometimes you need to explore the practice from a slightly different angle. In this workshop we’ll discuss options for those days you don’t have enough time and energy, as well as those days you have some extra juice!

1-3pm: Closing Sequence: Shoulderstand, Headstand and all the rest — The Closing Sequence of Ashtanga consists of two inversions - Headstand and Shoulderstand, along with some variations and counterposes. Considered the King and Queen of asana, Headstand and Shoulderstand both build strength in the upper body, as well as calming the nervous system in preparation for Savasana. In this workshop we’ll explore these postures using props, modifications, and enhancements to help us get more out of these amazing postures.

Sunday April 13th

8:30-10:30am: Mysore Class

11am-12pm: Sutras & Philosophy — A discussion of yoga philosophy based on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali (chapter1) and other texts.

1-3pm: Backbends — Positioned at the end of practice, Backbends provide a welcome balance to the forward folds of Primary Series. However, Urdvha Dhanurasana is not considered a beginner backbend, and many people have difficulty with this posture. In this workshop, we’ll begin with some foundational backbends from the Second Series, moving through these postures in an “easiest to hardest” progression, so ALL LEVELS are welcome. You are sure to gain some insights no matter where you are in your practice.


$120 for the Full Weekend; $35 per session

Cancellation Policy:

Cancellations made up to 14 days prior to the start of the Workshop will receive a refund minus any credit card fees already accrued and a $15 handling fee. No refunds will be given for cancellations made within 14 days of the start of the Workshop.

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Costa Rica Yoga Retreat w/ Stacy Ingham & Shelley Enlow
to May 3

Costa Rica Yoga Retreat w/ Stacy Ingham & Shelley Enlow

  • Ashtanga Yoga School Raleigh (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

ashtanga yoga practice retreat in blue zone, nosara, costa rica!

with Stacy Ingham & Shelley Enlow

April 26 - May 3, 2025

discover tranquility

Our retreat calls Nosara, Costa Rica home, one of the few blue zones in the world. Here at this sacred space, you will have access to nourishing food, beautiful beaches, local excursions, a community of yogis like you, and so much more. This retreat offers an opportunity to step away from life uninterrupted for a chance to detach from your daily demands and allow yourself to prioritize care for your body, mind, and soul to the fullest.

Ashtanga yoga is a practice that is cherished worldwide. Together we invite you to embrace a journey of transformation through immersive daily practices. Delve into the time-honored Mysore style and guided Ashtanga sessions, along with restorative and inward practices, fun workshops, yogic philosophy, and pranayama. Let seasoned teachers and dedicated Ashtanga practitioners Shelley Enlow and Stacy Ingham guide you through this enriching experience.

Join us for a rejuvenating retreat that fosters a profound connection to the essence of yoga, welcoming practitioners of all experience levels with open arms.

our retreat

Our home for the week is Casas Kismet.  This private sanctuary is nested on the top of a quiet ridge in Playa Pelada boasting incredible ocean views.  It is in a magical setting, surrounded with lush greens and peaceful atmosphere.  The property feels like you are nestled into a cocoon with good energy, peaceful vibes, ocean breezes, the sound of nature, and wild life, all while remaining safe and secure. One of the most stunning stretches of beach in the world is just a 10-minute walk away. 

The open-air yoga studio offers a breathtaking view of the lush jungle and the shimmering ocean, accompanied by soothing breezes and the rustle of palm leaves. The inviting pool, complete with a bar and dining area, provides the perfect setting to unwind after a rejuvenating yoga session. Surrounded by vibrant flora and chirping birds, the property is also home to playful howler monkeys, adding to the enchanting experience.

The newly renovated accommodations, spread across two main casas (houses), range from luxurious private king suites to cozy shared rooms, all equipped with modern amenities and surrounded by outdoor spaces to soak in the sights and sounds of nature.

At Casas Kismet, mealtimes are not just about food; they are lively gatherings where we will come together to dine, bond, and create lasting memories. The picturesque poolside outdoor dining area sets the stage for these shared moments of joy and connection. A talented private chef prepares each meal with care from fresh, locally sourced ingredients, offering a menu of gourmet dishes that cater to both the palate and the soul.

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Weekend Workshop: Primary Series Part 2 - Testing Limits
to Mar 9

Weekend Workshop: Primary Series Part 2 - Testing Limits

  • Ashtanga Yoga School Raleigh (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The second half of the seated postures in Primary Series offer an opportunity to bring awareness deeper into the body and mind. Proper support through breath and bandhas are key, and we’ll investigate those elements in depth, bringing them into play for some of the more challenging transitions in the practice as well.

NOTE This weekend workshop is part of the AYSR Student Development Course. It can also be taken on its own. For more information on the Student Development Course, CLICK HERE

Saturday March 8th

8:30-10:00am: Led Primary Series --Students will be led through a traditionally counted Primary Series practice, finishing with backbends and closing sequence. A discussion will follow, picking up themes from the Yoga Sutras. Practice will be followed by a discussion & Q&A

10:30am-12:00pm: Pranayama — “The decision to consistently and loyally attend to your breathing is the most important single decision that you will ever make to ensure success in yoga.” ~David Garrigues. This workshop will explore some foundational breathing exercises, as well as the 5 pranayama practices associated with Ashtanga vinyasa yoga.

1-3pm: 2nd Half Seated Postures: Breath, Bandhas & Balance — The last part of the Ashtanga Primary series brings a slight change of tone and energy, bringing more attention to the breath and bandhas, and settling the nervous system in preparation for closing the practice. We’ll look at the poses from Baddha Konasana through Setu Bandhasana, exploring key actions, and modifications.

Sunday March 9th

8:30-10:30am: Mysore Class

11am-12pm: Yoga Sutras & Philosophy — A discussion of yoga philosophy based on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali (chapter1) and other texts.

1-3pm: Ashtanga Transitions —While most of the time, we think of transitions in Ashtanga as being jump backs and throughs, in actuality, transitions include any time we are moving from one position to another throughout the practice. In this workshop we’ll be looking at the unusual and challenging transitions in Primary series, including jumping back to chaturanga and forward to seated, chakrasana (backward roll), and others.


$120 for the Full Weekend; $35 per session

Cancellation Policy:

Cancellations made up to 14 days prior to the start of the Workshop will receive a refund minus any credit card fees already accrued and a $15 handling fee. No refunds will be given for cancellations made within 14 days of the start of the Workshop.

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Weekend Workshop: Primary Series Part I - Strength & Flexibility
to Feb 23

Weekend Workshop: Primary Series Part I - Strength & Flexibility

  • Ashtanga Yoga School Raleigh (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

In this weekend workshop, we begin picking apart what makes the Primary Series of Ashtanga what it is: Yoga Chikitsa (Yoga Therapy). A deeper understanding of the structure of the practice, along with the vinyasa counting method and the intentions of the postures in the Primary Series seated postures will help lead students deeper into their practice, offering a way to a more sustainable long-term practice.

NOTE This weekend workshop is part of the AYSR Student Development Course. It can also be taken on its own. For more information on the Student Development Course, CLICK HERE

Saturday February 22nd

8:30-10:00am: Led Primary Series -- Students will be led through a traditionally counted Primary Series practice, followed by a discussion/Q&A. Students who have not completed the Primary Series may stay and observe, or close out on their own and take rest.

10:30am-12:00pm: Sanskrit & Vinyasa Counting — The Vinyasa count of the Ashtanga practice is like the official road map. Each breath and movement is accounted for from the first "ekam" to savasana. Learning this count in sanskrit and the names of of the postures helps students develop a deeper understanding of the practice and how it flows. This in turn allows for a more meditative practice.

1-3pm: Primary Series Part I — The first section of the Primary Series seated postures (Dandasana - Marichyasana) is designed to open the hips and hamstrings and build strength and endurance in the body. In this session we will explore the most basic intentions of the postures using hatha yoga techniques, including props, and more.

Sunday February 23rd

8:30-10:30am: Mysore Class

11am-12pm: Yoga Sutras & Philosophy — A discussion of yoga philosophy based on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali (chapter1) and other texts.

1-3pm: The Train Wreck — The postures of the Primary Series from Marichyasana D through Garba Pindasana can be particularly challenging for many students. As we gain the strength, flexibility, and endurance built in the first half of the practice, these postures test those aspects in a variety of ways. For this workshop, we’ll look at the intentions of each of these postures, preparatory postures, modifications, , and self adjustments using props and other techniques.


$120 for the Full Weekend; $35 per session

Cancellation Policy:

Cancellations made up to 14 days prior to the start of the Workshop will receive a refund minus any credit card fees already accrued and a $15 handling fee. No refunds will be given for cancellations made within 14 days of the start of the Workshop.

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Taylor Hunt Weekend Workshop
to Feb 9

Taylor Hunt Weekend Workshop

  • Ashtanga Yoga School Raleigh (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Ashtanga Yoga Raleigh is excited to host Taylor again and thrilled for you to join us in this practice changing weekend!


Friday, February 7th | 5:30-7:30pm

Why do we commit to a consistent practice? How do we apply the lessons that are learned on our mat? Join Taylor to dive deeper into the philosophy behind the Ashtanga method. Learn about the therapeutic benefits and how the practice translates into our daily lives.

2 hour class | $35 (Individual Pass)


Saturday, February 8th | 8-10am

Join us as Taylor takes us through the Ashtanga Primary Series using the traditional Sanskrit counts followed by an introduction to pranayama.

2 hour class | $35 (Individual Pass)


Saturday, February 8th | 12-2pm

Open hips are a key element in Ashtanga Yoga, as it facilitates greater flexibility, stability and energy flow in the body. In this workshop we will work with various postures and specific drills to target the deep hip muscles and surrounding connective tissue. We will explore how these will gradually release tension, increase mobility and enable you to access deeper hip openings.

2 hour workshop | $70 (Individual Pass)


Sunday, February 9 | 8-10

Join Taylor for a unique opportunity to receive individual attention and deepen your practice in a Mysore-style setting.

2 hour class | $35 (Individual Pass)


Sunday, February 9 | 11-1pm

The second series is called nadi shodhana which means to cleanse the nervous system. Join Taylor as he takes us through an in-depth look at the Second Series from alignment of the physical postures to the energetic qualities. This is open to all levels, but be prepared to work as we safely approach these postures.

2 hour workshop | $70 (Individual Pass)


Full Weekend $250

AYS Members $225

Registration closes January 25, 2025


Taylor Hunt is a devoted practitioner and teacher of Ashtanga yoga. He makes yearly trips to Mysore, India to further his studies at the K. Pattabhi Jois Ashtanga Yoga Institute (KPJAYI) under the guidance of his teacher, R. Sharath Jois. In 2013, Taylor was granted Level 2 Authorization to teach and has had the honor of assisting at KPJAYI on several occasions.

Taylor is dedicated to sharing the healing practice with others and providing a community where practitioners can find support in their practice and daily lives. Seeking to preserve the traditional method, Taylor teaches daily Mysore classes at Ashtanga Yoga Columbus and offers workshops around the world. He is also the author of A Way From Darkness and director of the Trini Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to sharing the life-changing practice of Ashtanga with those suffering from addiction. He continues to inspire others through his story of personal transformation and accessible approach to the practice.

To learn more about Taylor’s story, new endeavors, and life’s work, please visit taylorhuntyoga.com, www.awayfromdarkness.com, and www.trinifoundation.org.

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Weekend Workshop: Ashtanga Foundations
to Jan 26

Weekend Workshop: Ashtanga Foundations

  • Ashtanga Yoga School Raleigh (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This weekend workshop is dedicated to the core elements of any Ashtanga yoga practice, beginner to advanced. The 5 key aspects of practice will be introduced and woven through the weekend’s workshops, setting the foundation for a fruitful, sustainable practice for life

NOTE This weekend workshop is part of the AYSR Student Development Course. It can also be taken on its own. For more information on the Student Development Course, CLICK HERE

saturday Jan 25th

8:30-10:00am: Led Primary -- Students will be led through a traditionally counted Primary Series practice, finishing with backbends and closing sequence. A discussion will follow, picking up themes from the Yoga Sutras.

10:30am-12pm: 5 Key Elements in Practice — Breath, Bandha, Drishti, Asana and Vinyasa will be defined and discussed, followed by a short led practice, allowing students to experience the magic that happens when all these elements come together.

1-3pm: Saluting the Sun — This workshop will focus on the Foundation of the Ashanga practice - Surya Namaskara. We’ll begin with a short talk, and then explore a variety of hatha yoga techniques to extract the essence of this essential part of the practice.

Sunday Jan 26th

8:30-10:30am: Mysore Class

11am-12pm: Sutras and Philosophy — A discussion of yoga philosophy based on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali (chapter1) and other texts.

1-3pm: Finding Foundation in the Standing Sequence —  Along with the Sun Salutations, the Standing Sequence remains consistent no matter what seated series of Ashtanga a student is practicing. We will break down the postures in this powerful sequence to help us find foundation in our legs, and build from there.


$120 for the Full Weekend; $35 per session

Cancellation Policy:

Cancellations made up to 14 days prior to the start of the Workshop will receive a refund minus any credit card fees already accrued and a $15 handling fee. No refunds will be given for cancellations made within 14 days of the start of the Workshop.

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Restorative Yoga with Jessica
10:15 AM10:15

Restorative Yoga with Jessica

  • Ashtanga Yoga School Raleigh (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join Jessica Jones, fellow Ashtangi and yoga teacher for a 1 hour restorative yoga practice.

During this free offering, you will take a moment to sit with your body, working through and exploring some restorative postures, allowing a deeper sense of awareness all while allowing the body to continue opening. Transitions will be slow and props such as blocks, straps and blankets plentiful.

This practice is appropriate for all levels and geared toward offering a balance with our daily practice.

Reserve your spot today-space is limited.

Sign up on the Class Schedule

Future Dates:

February 15th

March 15th

April 19th

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Buddhist Meditation and Dharma talk series  with Cary Brief
12:00 PM12:00

Buddhist Meditation and Dharma talk series with Cary Brief

  • Ashtanga Yoga School Raleigh (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

On Saturday, September 21st, Cary will be hosting class that will be open to all on a donation basis, no one will be turned away. Each class will be two hours long and will consist of meditation instructions and Buddhist mindfulness training from the Theravada perspective and time for questions.

Cary Brief is a Buddhist meditation and dharma teacher located in Raleigh, NC. Cary has been practicing 22 years in Zen, Tibetan and Therevada  Buddhist traditions.  He began studying Chaplaincy at UNC hospitals and has continued  his training at Upaya with Roshi Joan Halifax.  Cary’s teacher training has been on going since 2018.  

Starting in 2023 he will offer outdoor meditation retreats focusing on developing our understanding of the interconnectedness with our plant and animal kin which can open our hearts and deepen compassion and kindness towards ourselves and all beings.  

Cary has volunteered for the past two decades at detox units, rehabs, prisons and mental health centers bringing the message of meditation and compassion as powerful tools to heal the suffering all beings experience.

All are welcome. No need to register - just show up :-)

Future Dates:

December 21

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Ross Stambaugh - Pranayama, Foundations, Assists & Pragmatic Solutions
to Nov 3

Ross Stambaugh - Pranayama, Foundations, Assists & Pragmatic Solutions

  • Ashtanga Yoga School Raleigh (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join AYS Raleigh in welcoming Ross Stambaugh back for another weekend of practice and study in the Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga tradition.

AYS Raleigh is excited to welcome Ross Stambaugh back for another great weekend workshop!

Ross is an Authorized Level 2 Ashtanga Yoga Teacher who learned ashtanga yoga directly under the teachings of Saraswati Jois in Mysore, India. He makes annual trips to India to continue his studies and has assisted Saraswati on multiple occasions. Ross seeks to preserve the traditional Ashtanga method by maintaining a daily practice and teaching his students with the same integrity and patience that was taught to him by his teachers.  Ross teaches Ashtanga Yoga Workshops internationally, and welcomes a chance to work with you and your yoga practice. 

Ross is a 20+ year veteran of the Ashtanga lineage.  He is the author of “Ashtanga Svādhyāya: Student Study Guide” and “The Yoga Sutra Flipbook “, “Ashtanga Yoga: Counted Primary Series” and Ātman Magazine.  Apart from having a daily Ashtanga yoga practice, Ross has been a collegiate swimmer, judoka, and mountain climber. He is a retired public school teacher and holds a post-master’s degree in education. He enjoys walking his dogs, Kali and Brie and is an avid motorcyclist.

To learn more about his teaching style ~ Give him a Follow on Instagram @ashtanga.yoga.ross

Weekend Schedule:

Friday November 1st

5:30-7pm: “What’s the point of Pranayama?“ Theory and Practice  Duration 1.5 hours $35.00

Saturday November 2nd

8:30-10:30am Mysore Duration 2 hours $35.00

11-12:30pm “Know your Toes” Understanding the subtle use of footwork in Sun Salutations, Asanas and Transitions . Duration 1.5 hours $50.00

1:30-3:00pm: “1.5 hours into to the standing series for beginners with focus on straps blocks and modifications. Durations 1.5 hours $50.00

Sunday November 3

8:30-10:30am Mysore Duration 2 hours $35.00

11:30-1:30pm:“Yogis Helping Yogis”. Focusing on hands on assists and pragmatic solutions to common issues in ashtanga yoga. Duration 2 hours $50.00

This a sure to be a great weekend of practice and knowledge.

Total Investment: $220 for Full Weekend / Individual Sessions as listed above.

*Note: Cancellations made up to 14 days prior to the start of the Workshop will receive a refund minus any credit card fees already accrued. No refunds will be given for cancellations made within 14 days of the start of the Workshop.

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Guided Moon Sequence - Monthly on the New Moon
8:00 AM08:00

Guided Moon Sequence - Monthly on the New Moon

Guided Moon Sequence Practice with LORIE

Join me to celebrate the New Moon on Wednesday, October 2, 2024..


This Moon Sequence practice was designed by Matthew Sweeney, it is appropriate for all levels and is a nice complement to the Ashtanga Primary Series. The general energy is more grounded and cooling, with no chaturangas and a nice rolling vinyasa to reset for each new set of postures. The hip openers and forward folds are nicely balance with unique back bending and a delicious closing sequence. This class is appropriate for all levels.  

For more information about Moon Days at AYS Raleigh CLICK HERE

Cost: Passcards and Memberships Apply; $20 Drop In

Sign Up on the Class Schedule

Future Dates:

-December 15

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Trini Foundation Fundraiser & Raffle
8:30 AM08:30

Trini Foundation Fundraiser & Raffle

  • Ashtanga Yoga School Raleigh (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

National Recovery Month is held every September and AYS will be hosting a Led Half & Half plus raffle in order to raise awareness and funds for Trini Foundation.

Join Daniel and Lorie on Saturday, September 21st from 8:30-10am for a led class starting with Primary Series, exploring some of Intermediate Series and ending with the closing sequence. The second half of the class will allow for some play and exploration.. All levels are welcome and encouraged as modifications will be offered.

Tickets are $10.00 each and each ticket purchased will be entered to win a custom Trini Foundation mat (valued at $130.00) from Metta Mats.

All monies raised will go directly to Trini Foundation.

The Trini Foundation is a 501c3 non-profit organization dedicated to helping people with substance use disorders find long-term recovery by building environments of physical, mental, and spiritual support through integrating recovery services with Ashtanga yoga and mindfulness practices. We are committed to changing the dialogue surrounding addiction and recovery - from one of isolation, to one of community and growth.

For more information on Trini Foundation click here.

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Practicing The Yoga Sutras with Carroll Ann Friedmann
to Sep 15

Practicing The Yoga Sutras with Carroll Ann Friedmann

  • Ashtanga Yoga School Raleigh (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join AYSR in welcoming Carroll Ann Friedmann, co-owner of Ashtanga Yoga Charlottesville and author of Practicing the Yoga Sutras - A Personal Study Guide and Journal.

Carroll Ann has put together a wonderful program for AYSR over the course of the weekend and will also be teaching our Led Primary Saturday Morning.

Led Primary will be included in the weekend workshop passes (full weekend and individual day), it wil also be available as an individual pass.:

Saturday, September 14th

8:00am - 4:00pm

Full Vinyasa Led Primary Series 8:00-9:30am with Carroll Ann.

Starting at about 10:00am chanting and discussing the first 16 sutras of Samadhi Pada , Book One & the Kleshas along with the 8 Limbs of Yoga in Sadhana Pada, Book Two.

Sunday, September 15th


Chanting and discussing Vibhuti Pada and Kaivalya Pada, Book Three and Four.

The Sutras provide depth and practical wisdom to help practitioners explore the central meaning of yoga along with helping us to better understand the history and traditions. This workshop is appropriate for all levels - those just starting out to those who are more seasoned.

Total Invenstment: $175 / Individual Days: $100


*This workshop can be attended in person as well as online.

*12 Continuing Education Credits are available for registered YA teachers that complete the full weekend .

*The cost of the weekend will include a copy of Carroll Ann’s book: Practicing the Yoga Sutras and Led Primary.

*There will be breaks throughout each of the days.

About Carroll Ann:

Aside from co-owning AYC and the Ivy Yoga School, she directs the Mysore Program and Apprentiship. She has practiced yoga since 2001 and has over 10,000 hours of teaching experience and over 1400 hours of teacher training in the Integral Yoga School.

Carroll Ann is deeply committed to the Mysore method of yoga teaching and practice. studying intensively with R. Saraswathi Jois in Mysore and assisting her at KPJAYI. She studied with Dr. M.A.Jayashree in Mysore, learning Sanskrit chanting and yoga philosophy.

She has been a yoga student for 25 years, a yoga teacher for over 20 years, and was introduced to the Yoga Sutras during her first teacher training in 2007, where she thought that they were obscure, confusing, and disconnected from her own experience of life and practice. In 2013, I met Dr. M.A. Jayashree in her living room in Mysore, Karnataka, India. She slowly and patiently, with much love and focus, started to teach Carroll Ann and other students to chant these short aphorisms. It was so difficult! Chanting the Sutras was like an asana practice for the brain. However, after years of working under her excellent tutelage, she grew from hearing to chanting to knowing by heart. With the sounds of the Sutras resonant in her, she was ready to return to their study.

Carroll Ann practiced under Jennifer Elliot until 2020, and currently studies with Richard Freeman, Mary Taylor and Ty Landrum. She is a EYRT 500, holds a MA in Religious Studies UVA; MDiv Princeton Seminary; BA in Anthropology and Religion from Vanderbilt.

Click below for some reviews of Practicing The Yoga Sutras as well as an interview where she shares the story behind her book.



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Exploring Ashtanga Yoga & Buddhism w/ Cory Bryant
to Jul 21

Exploring Ashtanga Yoga & Buddhism w/ Cory Bryant

  • Ashtanga Yoga School Raleigh (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Exploring Ashtanga Yoga & Buddhism - Where the Mat Meets the Cushion

With Cory Bryant of Yoga Shala Nashville & The Spiritual Pilgrim

For well over twenty years Cory has been exploring yoga and Buddhism. At times feeling more drawn to yoga and at other times more to Buddhism, until one day he realized it doesn’t have to be one or the other. 

These two rich philosophies/histories/practices — sadhanas — share incredibly rich and sacred roots. Over the past ten years it has been his great pleasure to embrace their integration. In this weekend workshop he’d like to share that experience with you!

Join Cory for this special weekend of lecture, discussion, and practice focused on the common ground of yoga and Buddhism. We will draw from the teachings of Patanjali and the Buddha along with contemporary teachers like Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche, Joseph Goldstein, Richard Freeman and Lama Willa Blythe Baker. Our time together will be interspersed with guided meditations ranging from 3 to 30 minutes with plenty of time for group discussion and support.



8-9am Session 1:  Introduction to Yoga, Buddhism & MeditationAn overview of the practices and how they may be integrated, regardless of one’s personal belief system, to enhance our experience of yoga. Cory will introduce the śamatha (calm abiding) method of meditation and lead a short sitting practice.

9-9:30am Break

10am-12pm Session 2:  Yoga & Buddhism:  Common Ground – A deeper dive into theteachings of the Buddha and Patanjali with an emphasis on the areas of commonality, which it turns out there are many! We will continue to explore śamatha meditation as a means to develop greater ease with sitting practice.

12-1pm Break

1-3pm Session 3:  Tibetan/Vajrayana Buddhist Approach: Good Fit for Ashtanga –  A distinguishing feature of both Tibetan Buddhism and Ashtanga Yoga is their shared tantric roots. In this session Cory will introduce the theory behind tantra – and don’t worry, it’s not the erotic mumbo jumbo that’s often associated with tantra – and how we can benefit from this aspect of practice. We’ll wrap up the day with a 30 minute guided meditation that invites you to explore open awareness.


8-10am Session 1:  From the Mat to the Cushion – Here we’ll explore the transition from the mat to the cushion. It’s quite common to consider these as separate, even unrelated, practices — asana and meditation, but they don’t have to be. There can be so much meditative value gleaned from movement-based practice. We’ll use this time to look at how to approach this integration and elevate the impact of our time on the mat. This session will include some asana practice – nothing major, just simple sun salutation and standing postures. Please bring your mat.

10-10:30am Break

10:30-12pm Session 2:  Focusing on the Cushion – This last session will focus on bringing it all together with a series of 3 meditations interspersed with inspirational teachings from great masters including the Buddha and Patanjali. We’ll explore ways to make meditation something you look forward to!

Meditations (mainly seated with possible inclusion of walking practice within the room) will be included throughout the sessions and range from 5 to max 30 minutes each. 

Investment: $150 for whole weekend; $35 per session A La Carte (if price is an issue, please reach out for scholarship and/or sliding scale options)

Cory M. Bryant, PhD, ERYT-500


Cory Bryant is the Founder of Yoga Shala Nashville – Ashtanga Yoga in East Nashville, TN and The Spiritual Pilgrim – yoga & meditation pilgrimages in Nepal, India and soon, Bhutan. His yoga journey took root at Jivamukti Yoga School in New York City just after 9/11 in 2001 and hasn’t stopped since. A practitioner of Ashtanga for over ten years, he’s been teaching yoga for 16 years and has studied intensively with David Life, Sharon Gannon, David Garrigues and Tim Miller and more recently Tim Feldmann. A PhD scientist and a student of Tibetan Buddhism, he draws from his understanding of the scientific method to explore the intersections between Buddhism and yoga to provide an integrative approach to practice and life. Cory has made 12 trips to Nepal since 2010 where he has taken up extensive study and practice. After a successful career in international food policy he and his husband relocated from DC to Nashville in 2019 where they live with their three dogs, Buddy, Bella & Puja.  IG: @yogashalanashville @the_spiritual_pilgrim @coryyoga

Canellation Policy:

Cancellations made up to 14 days prior to the start of the Workshop will receive a refund minus any credit card fees already accrued. No refunds will be given for cancellations made within 14 days of the start of the Workshop.

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Trini Foundation Fundraiser Class Series w/Daniel Currie
11:00 AM11:00

Trini Foundation Fundraiser Class Series w/Daniel Currie

Join Daniel Currie for a Beginner Guided Ashtanga vinyasa yoga class to raise awareness and funds for Trini Foundation.

This class is appropriate for ANY LEVEL of student - complete beginners who have never done yoga before or those with more experience are WELCOME. Daniel will lay the foundation for an Ashtanga yoga practice with basic breathwork, foundational postures and a closing sequence. Attend a single class or all three!

Proceeds from this class will go directly to Trini Foundation, A 501 c3 organization that is dedicated to helping people with substance use disorder find long-term recovery by building environments of physical, mental, and spiritual support through integrating recovery services with Ashtanga yoga and mindfulness practices.

Upon registration you will be given the opportunity to donate what you’d like for the class.


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Monthly Satsang After Mysore
10:30 AM10:30

Monthly Satsang After Mysore

Monthly Satsang - One Sunday of each month after Mysore

The topic for June is Vedic Astrology! Victoria Galeazzi will give us an introduction to this eastern wisdom tradition :-)

Satsang is a sanskrit work meaning "to gather together in the truth". Ashtanga is more than a physical practice, incorporating the 8 limbs of Raja yoga - the royal path to yoga (truth). Many yogic texts emphasize the importance of community to support one’s exploration of yoga, and AYSR is definitely that! Lets gather and get to know each other a little bit off the mat :-)

Sign up on the Class Schedule to RSVP

Future Dates:

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Half Day Mindfulness Meditation Retreat
12:00 PM12:00

Half Day Mindfulness Meditation Retreat

Just Sit Raleigh Meditation Society Presents

A Half-Day Mindfulness Mediation Retreat on the Four Establishments of Mindfulness (the Satipatthana)

Sit Raleigh's Half Day Mindfulness Retreat will focus on the Four Establishments of Mindfulness taught by the Buddha in the Satipatthana Sutta. The time we spend together will mostly be in noble silence except for the talks and guided meditations for each Establishment.  The day will consist of a short talk, guided and walking meditation, guided movement periods, short silent meditations with appropriate breaks in between. Light snacks and refreshments will be provided.  Visit www.sitraleigh.com for more details.  Sign up is available at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/mindfulness-meditation-half-day-retreat-tickets-878561339617

$25 Suggested Donation

Light Snacks and Beverages Provided

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Ashtanga Yoga Mountain Retreat with Stacy Ingham
to Mar 29

Ashtanga Yoga Mountain Retreat with Stacy Ingham

  • Ashtanga Yoga School Raleigh (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Let’s escape the NC Summer heat and head for the hills! September 26-29, 2024

Join Stacy Ingham for a 3 day retreat at Bend of Ivy Retreat Center near Marshall, NC, about 30 minutes north of Asheville. Bend of Ivy is located on 63 acres in the Blue Ridge Mountains with great hiking nearby. We’ll wake up each morning surrounded by nature, and start our day with Mysore practice followed by instructed Pranayama practice to prepare for a day of hiking nearby and/or exploring the amenities Bend of Ivy has to offer onsite. Meals will be catered, with vegetarian and omnivore options. Late afternoons we’ll gather for a clinic or discussion of yogic texts, followed by a delicious dinner, and an evening to gather and relax together, or find a quiet space on the grounds to reflect on your day.

This will be a perfect time to step away from your daily responsibilities and reconnect with your deeper self through time spent in nature and surrounded by like minded people.

What to Expect

During this three night / four day retreat in the mountains of North Carolina, you can expect:

—Daily Mysore-style Ashtanga classes followed by Instructed Pranayama practice, and two afternoon sessions of asana and yoga theory exploration/discussion

—Three delicious meals per day beginning with dinner on Thursday evening and ending with breakfast on Sunday

—Three nights of lodging at Bend of Ivy

—Optional group hike and other activities in the area

​A more detailed schedule of meals, yoga classes, and group activities will be provided closer to the retreat dates.

The Details

Retreat rate includes:

—3 nights accommodations at Bend of Ivy Lodge

—Three delicious meals per day (dinner only on arrival day and breakfast only on departure day)

—Daily yoga sessions

—Optional group hike 

Retreat rate does not include:

—Transportation to/from the lodge

—Spa treatments or additional excursions

—Alcoholic drinks

—Credit card processing fees 

Our Host Location:

Bend of Ivy Lodge

Our host location is nestled in the lush Blue Ridge Mountains on 63 acres immersed in natural beauty, only 30 minutes from Asheville.  

Bend of Ivy offers amazing views of the surrounding area. The tallest peak east of the Mississippi, Mount Mitchell, can easily be seen from the property. In addition to the mountain views, there are also several charming spots to sit and relax, such as the river bank. 

The lodge is at the heart of the property with easy access to the pond area, viewpoints, and the river. The beautifully-remodeled tobacco barn is the perfect place to make you feel a million miles away from everything.

This property, nestled in the trees, has all the amenities you need to feel comfy and cozy. ​The lodge has everything you need, including high-speed WiFi, a gas fireplace, sound system, and television Check out the history of the lodge here!

The lodge has a total of nine bedrooms. There are four bedrooms and a lounge on the lower level, and five bedrooms on the upper level. There are four bathrooms to be shared by retreat participants, plus a kitchen, dining room, and large living room, perfect for gathering or relaxing.



Amounts shown represent the total investment for the retreat.

Shared Room (Double Occupancy) - $1,200/person; $1,125/person if booked by March 30th, 2024

These rooms are for two people and can be set up with two twin beds, or one king bed for a couple. Lodge bathrooms are shared by all guests.

Private Room (Single Occupancy) - $1,500; $1,425 if booked by March 30th, 2024

These rooms are for one person and have one single bed. Lodge bathrooms are shared by all guests.

Click Here for a virtual tour and images of the retreat center

Payment Details and Cancelation Policy

To secure your space on the retreat a non-refundable US $250 deposit is required. A payment schedule will be provided upon registration, however, you may pay in full at any time prior to July 25th, 2024.

Anyone registering after July 25th, 2024 will be expected to pay in full upon registration. 

Should you need to cancel your reservation at least 60 days prior to the start of the retreat, you will receive a refund for payment made less the $250 deposit. Should you need to cancel less than 60 days prior to the retreat, for whatever reason, we will not be able to provide a refund or credit. No refund or credit will be given for arriving late or departing early. Payments must be made in accordance with the payment schedule in order to hold your space. In the unlikely event AYS Raleigh needs to cancel the retreat, a full refund will be given.

Meet Your Host

Stacy Ingham - Owner/Director Ashtanga Yoga School Raleigh; ERYT500

Stacy began her yoga journey with a 6-week intro to Ashtanga class in St Louis in 1998. She has been practicing ever since. She began teaching in the Triangle, North Carolina area in 2001.

A student of David Garrigues since 2009, she has been apprenticing with him since 2014. David is one of the few teachers in the US certified to teach Ashtanga yoga by the late world renowned master Sri K Patthabi Jois.

Studying under David's expert guidance, Stacy has completed the 3rd Series of Ashtanga yoga, taken on a more serious study of the 8 limbs of Ashtanga yoga, and been inspired to share what she has learned with others.

She has learned over her years as a student and teacher that a strong foundation of body and mind, built and attended to with patience, persistence and an eye for details is key to a long-lasting and fruitful practice and study of yoga.

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Info Session - Student Development & Teacher Training
10:30 AM10:30

Info Session - Student Development & Teacher Training

  • Ashtanga Yoga School Raleigh (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join Stacy Ingham for a free session to find out more about the Student Development Course and 200 Hour Teacher Training being offered in January 2024.





Join Stacy Ingham for this 4-month immersion into the Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga practice. We’ll study in depth: Primary series asana, pranayama, vinyasa count, yoga sutras, and more. These foundational concepts carry through to advanced series asana, making this course appropriate for any level of student, from beginner to advanced, including those practicing beyond Primary series. Teachers will find the material helpful to round out their Ashtanga knowledge and enhance their classes. 

As students of Ashtanga yoga, we all need a little help staying engaged with practice at times. This course offers in-depth material to work with in your daily practice and beyond, as well as a community to keep you inspired, help you past that plateau and lighten the monotony of daily practice. We’ll meet regularly for a weekend workshop, where we can check in on progress, answer questions and support each other’s journey. By the end of the course, you’ll have a better understanding of the practice as a whole, and how it can be a transformational daily devotion.



Teaching Ashtanga yoga is a special experience. It is traditionally taught in a “mysore style” format, allowing each individual student to receive personalized instruction at their own pace in the same space as others that may be at different points in their journey. The teacher’s responsibility is to support and guide each person, meeting them where they are. This requires a strong knowledge of the Ashtanga vinyasa yoga system, but also a strong understanding of how it can be adapted to the individual. A lot of that knowledge and understanding comes from being a student first, which is a large part of the AYSR Teacher Training program.

This Teacher Training course is for those who are interested in an even deeper understanding of the Ashtanga yoga system, and those interested in teaching Ashtanga yoga in the mysore or led class format. This will be a fast paced course so a commitment to regular practice and full participation in the workshops is required, as well as completion of assignments as given. This course includes 200 hours of instruction, and participants will receive a certificate of completion upon meeting the requirements. Yoga Alliance accreditation is pending.



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New Years Day - Led Class & Cacao Ceremony
9:00 AM09:00

New Years Day - Led Class & Cacao Ceremony

Join Stacy and Lorie to ring in the new year with a Guided All Levels Practice followed by a traditional Cacao Ceremony

First, Stacy will lead an asana practice that will explore postures from the Primary and Second series’ of Ashtanga in a playful sequence that will be modified as needed based on those in attendance. ALL LEVELS WELCOME

Next, Lorie will lead us in a Traditional Cacao Ceremony.

What is a Cacao Ceremony?
 Cacao Ceremonies are practiced to open your heart. Traditionally Cacao Ceremonies have been practiced by ancient cultures like the Maya and Aztec civilization, where ancient shamans were leading the ceremonies. It is believed that the spirit of cacao has the power to reveal and unlock the secrets of the soul, bringing forth our ultimate truth. As the cacao opens your heart, you will be guided through breathwork meditation, finding ways to express our feelings and inner wisdom through movements.

Preparing for the ceremony:
To experience full effects of the Cacao Medicine, please eat lightly on the day of the ceremony. Avoid stimulants such as coffee or alcohol and fast for a minimum of four hours before we begin.

Memberships and Passcards apply for this class. Drop In Fee: $20; Sign up on the Class Schedule

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Led Half Primary + Pranayama/Chanting
5:30 PM17:30

Led Half Primary + Pranayama/Chanting

This is a guided class through the 1/2 primary series of Ashtanga Yoga. Students will be led through all the Ashtanga Primary Series seated postures up to navasana with additional instruction and modifications offered so the practice is accessible to all. The practice portion will conclude with backbends and finishing sequence. Following practice, we will end class with pranayama or chanting.

This class is suitable for students practicing primary series up to navasana as well as beginners with some yoga experience.

Future Dates:

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Introduction to Mala Making with Lorie Bird
12:00 PM12:00

Introduction to Mala Making with Lorie Bird

  • Ashtanga Yoga School Raleigh (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

You’re invited to….Introduction to Mala Making.

Join Lorie for an inspiring afternoon as we embrace our inner artist while designing your very own Mala.

A Mala is a garland of 108 beads often used in meditation or chanting to increase focus, enhance spiritual vibrations of intention, and as a protection from noise and negative energy. They are ideal in a daily environment and are beautiful when worn as a necklace or wrapped around your wrist as a bracelet.

This Mala Workshop includes:

  • A discussion about the history of Mala beads + why the number 108 is significant.

  • A guided meditation to activate the bodies energy centers

  • A guided lesson in hand-knotting your Mala beads

  • Everything you need to plus plenty of time to create your Mala.

  • An individual blessing for you Mala beads to seal your intentions and bring them forth into the world!

Come solo or bring a friend - with an open heart and open mind - and leave with a one of a kind design that is personal and meaningful. These make great gifts for special friend or that yogi in your life!

I am excited to share this journey of joy and Mala making with you so make sure you save the date and get signed up! 

Cost: $75 per person which includes materials needed.


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Full Vinyasa Led Primary Once a Month
7:00 AM07:00

Full Vinyasa Led Primary Once a Month

Ashtanga Primary Series is most commonly practiced in the "Half Vinyasa" form, meaning that between seated poses, students flow through to Downward Dog and then back to seated. In "Full Vinyasa Form", students flow through all the way to standing (Samastitih) between poses and then back to seated again for the next pose. The result is energetically quite different, stimulating and relaxing at the same time.

Once a month, in place of the Friday Led Primary Series class on Friday, we will practice Primary Series with Full Vinyasa.

Please reach out to Stacy at info@aysraleigh with any questions regarding your readiness to join this class :-)

Future Dates:

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Kirtan Event with Triangle Shala
7:00 PM19:00

Kirtan Event with Triangle Shala

In conjunction with Ashtanga Yoga School of Raleigh, Triangle Shala is pleased to present an evening of chants & positive vibrations. Bhakti yoga is the path of devotion and love for the divine. It's about surrendering our ego, cultivating a pure heart and finding oneness through devotion. Kirtan on the other hand, is the melodious practice of singing and chanting sacred mantras. It's like a musical prayer that elevates our spirits and connects us to a higher vibration. Join us in the journey of bhakti yoga and kirtan as we immerse ourselves in the positive vibrations of unity, and inner peace. During this event, the singers will lead us in a call and response style of kirtan focusing on popular Sanskrit bhajans.. No experience needed, please come and enjoy. All are welcome. 

This is a donation based event. Upon registration you may enter your preferred donation.

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David Garrigues Weekend Workshop
to Nov 5

David Garrigues Weekend Workshop

  • Ashtanga Yoga School Raleigh (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join me in welcoming my teacher, David Garrigues for a weekend devoted to the study and practice of Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga. This weekend will focus on the subtle aspects of the vinyasa format of the Ashtanga practice.


This workshop is suitable for anyone intersted in Ashtanga with a motivation to learn. David is skillful in providing explanations of elusive, often unspoken aspects of the practice. In weekend workshop’s, he offers clinic style led classes that investigate specific aspects of the practice that help students come to new perspectives on how to practice more intelligently, safely and joyfully.


David Garrigues is one of a few teachers in the US certified to teach Ashtanga Yoga by Sri K Pattabhi Jois. David met Pattabhi Jois in 1993 and over the next 16 years he traveled to Mysore India to study with the great yoga master. In 1996 Pattabhi Jois granted David a teaching certificate. As an Ashtanga Ambassador he bases his teachings on the idea that ‘ANYONE CAN TAKE PRACTICE’, a core idea in the teachings of Sri K Pattabhi Jois. David’s mission is to help others flourish within the living, contemporary lineage of Ashtanga Yoga.

In his workshops David offers a combination both traditional counted vinyasa led classes and clinic style led classes that investigate specific aspects of the practice in varying levels of detail. These important classes feature more verbal instruction; they give students a chance to slow things down, see new ways to orient during practice, get explanations of elusive, often unspoken aspects of the practice, and understand the Ashtanga method in greater, more subtle detail. Mysore, chanting and kirtan classes are also frequently included in a workshop. During the weekend David weaves together studies of asana, pranayama, bandhas, vinyasa, chanting, bhakti yoga, yoga sutra’s and other elements to help develop Ashtanga Vidya (knowledge).



6-7:30pm INTRODUCTION TO THE VINYASA POSITIONS OF THE PRIMARY SERIES A fast-paced class that will teach you the vinyasa positions and breaths that make up the foundational postures of the Primary Series. At the end of the class, you’ll understand the purpose and benefit of each vinyasa position.


8-10:30am MYSORE AND PRANAYAMA Mysore class provides the student with a concentrated and heightened learning experience that will help he/she develop practical and technical yoga skills and be immersed in the inspirational magic and poetic soul of the practice. Each student will receive valuable one to one guidance from David on developing his/her personal practice. The student will develop skill in applying the practice techniques in ways that are logical, challenging, intelligent and fun. David focuses on learning how to follow the Ashtanga system and at the same time creating a practice that honors individuality, versatility and creativity.

12:30-2pm ASHTANGA’S DYNAMIC VINYASA DIMENSION This asana class will focus on how proper vinyasa knowledge extends beyond memorizing the number of positions of the asana; you are also meant to know the vinyasa positions dynamically within your body. There is a great art to understanding the subtle progressions of movement that bring you into and out of each asana, exploring this refinement is what brings you into readiness, poise, beauty and alignment in your postures. We'll look at how such vinyasa knowledge helps you understand how to refine your awareness and to learn to see the practice as chiefly dhyana, meditation

6-8pm BOOK LAUNCH PARTY - ASHTANGA YOGA VINYASA by David Garrigues (Location TBD)


8-9:45am MYSORE CLASS Mysore class provides the student with a concentrated and heightened learning experience that will help he/she develop practical and technical yoga skills and be immersed in the inspirational magic and poetic soul of the practice. Each student will receive valuable one to one guidance from David on developing his/her personal practice. The student will develop skill in applying the practice techniques in ways that are logical, challenging, intelligent and fun. David focuses on learning how to follow the Ashtanga system and at the same time creating a practice that honors individuality, versatility and creativity.

10:30am-12pm YOGA SUTRAS TALK ON BOOK 1, SUTRA 20 Study of the Yoga Sutras offers key insights on how to better work with your mind in your daily asana practice. David will give a talk on book 1, sutra 20; this is one of the most famous sutras in Patanjali’s, Yoga Sutras, and talks about the 5 qualities to cultivate for progress in practice:


Found in Yoga Sutra 1-20, this unique combination of qualities are meant to be cultivated and are the gifts of your practice. They can be thought of as 5 jars that you want to fill and keep filling. David will discuss each one of these powerhouse words in this 1 hour long talk. There will be a short 10 minute chanting portion in the beginning. This is an excellent introductory way to experience the sound vibration of the sanskrit language as a means to meditation.

Cancellations made up to 14 days prior to the start of the Workshop will receive a refund minus any credit card fees already accrued. No refunds will be given for cancellations made within 14 days of the start of the Workshop.

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Breathwork and Restorative Workshop with Joanna Darlington
1:00 PM13:00

Breathwork and Restorative Workshop with Joanna Darlington

  • Ashtanga Yoga School Raleigh (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This workshop is dedicated to developing and/or improving your level of consciousness around the quality of your breath. Being aware of breathing patterns is an essential aspect in gaining control of our responses linked to anxiety, fear, or stress that can induce rapid, shallow breathing. The ability to slow the breath down, inhale more deeply when these situations arise, can help to supply the body with oxygen, counteract the fight or flight response, and bring focus through the tangible activity of rhythm in muscular movement of the lungs and diaphragm to help to keep your attention. This is the fulfillment, action, and movement of the deep energetic forces called apana (elimination) and prana (life bringing).

This level of breath awareness helps you find control of your breathing and cultivate a centered focus to redirect heightened responses toward a calmer, more positive position from which to deal with stressful situations.

When we get to the restorative section of the workshop we will be using what was learned in our breath exploration coupled with a select group of supported postures to enhance your experience of calming the central nervous system, releasing tense muscles and holding patterns with the aid of blankets pillows, bolsters, blocks, walls, and eye coverings. 


Cancellations made up to 14 days prior to the start of the Workshop will receive a refund minus any credit card fees already accrued. No refunds will be given for cancellations made within 14 days of the start of the Workshop.

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Trini Foundation Fundraiser - Led Half & Half & Raffle
9:00 AM09:00

Trini Foundation Fundraiser - Led Half & Half & Raffle

  • Ashtanga Yoga School Raleigh (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join Stacy Ingham for a Led Half Primary and Half Second series practice, followed by a raffle drawing for a Trini Foundation practice rug (value approx $100). Each $5 donation will receive 1 raffle ticket ($20 donation = 4 tickets). Choose your donation amount upon registration. All proceeds will go to The Trini Foundaion.

Students will be led through Primary series up to Navasana with the traditional sanskrit vinyasa count. Second series postures will be explored with a little more space for adaptation and modification as needed for those in attendance. A short Q&A will follow, and finally a raffle drawing.

The Trini Foundation is a 501c3 non-profit organization dedicated to helping people with substance use disorders find long-term recovery by building environments of physical, mental, and spiritual support through integrating recovery services with Ashtanga yoga and mindfulness practices. We are committed to changing the dialogue surrounding addiction and recovery - from one of isolation, to one of community and growth. 

We partner with treatment centers, recovery programs, and yoga studios nationwide to help offer yoga classes to individuals in early recovery. Learn more at www.trinifoundation.org

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Hatha Yoga Pradipika Study Group
to Oct 11

Hatha Yoga Pradipika Study Group

  • Ashtanga Yoga School Raleigh (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join Stacy Ingham and the AYS Raleigh Community for a discussion and exploration of the Hatha Yoga Pradipika, a manual for Hatha yoga written by Swatmarama in Sanskrit in the 15th century. The title translates as “Light on Hatha Yoga” and connects the teaching’s lineage to Matsyendranath of the Nathas. It is among the most influential surviving texts on hatha yoga, being one of three class texts alongside the Gheranda Samhita and the Shiva Samhita.

  • Chapter 1 deals with setting the proper environment for yoga, the ethical duties of a yogi, and the asanas.

  • Chapter 2 deals with pranayama and the satkarmas.

  • Chapter 3 discusses the mudras and their benefits.

  • Chapter 4 deals with meditation and samadhi as a journey of personal spiritual growth.

As students of Ashtanga yoga, a form of Hatha yoga, a study of this text offers a way to connect our practice to the yogis of the past, and gain understanding through that connection.

The format for this study group will be informal, with students encouraged to bring their insights and questions. Participants should purchase and bring with them any translation/commentary of the Hatha Yoga Pradipika. There may be some chanting and meditation, but no asana practice. All Levels Welcome

We’ll meet on Wednesdays from 4:30-5:30pm for 6 weeks, beginning September 6th, and ending October 11th.

This course will be offered In House and Online via Zoom, with recordings offered to those who cannot attend live.

$100 for the 6-week Session

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Taylor Hunt Weekend Workshop
to Jun 25

Taylor Hunt Weekend Workshop

  • Ashtanga Yoga School Raleigh (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us at AYS Raleigh for the 4th Annual Weekend Workshop with Taylor Hunt! If you missed him here before, you won’t want to miss out on this weekend of inspiration, support and sharing the Ashtanga tradition from Taylor’s unique perspective. Taylor is knowledgeable and personable and so generous with his teaching, inspiring students to keep going and mine their practice for all it has to offer.

Taylor Hunt is a devoted practitioner and teacher of Ashtanga yoga. He makes yearly trips to Mysore, India to further his studies at the K. Pattabhi Jois Ashtanga Yoga Institute (KPJAYI) under the guidance of his teacher, R. Sharath Jois. In 2013, Taylor was granted Level 2 Authorization to teach and has had the honor of assisting at KPJAYI on several occasions. Taylor is dedicated to sharing the healing practice with others and providing a community where practitioners can find support in their practice and daily lives. Seeking to preserve the traditional method, Taylor teaches daily Mysore classes at Ashtanga Yoga Columbus and offers workshops around the world. He is also the author of A Way From Darkness and director of the Trini Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to sharing the life-changing practice of Ashtanga with those suffering from addiction. He continues to inspire others through his story of personal transformation and accessible approach to the practice.

To learn more about Taylor’s story and life’s work, please visit www.awayfromdarkness.com and www.trinifoundation.org


Saturday June 24th

7:30-9:30am: Led Primary + Intro to Pranayama -- Full led Primary Series class using the traditional Sanskrit count followed by a brief introduction to pranayama. The control of prana or energy is known as pranayama, which helps the practitioner to better understand the breath and aids in the regulation of mind and body. 2 hour class, $50

10am-12pm: Philosophy of Ashtanga Yoga and Mysore Style — Why do we commit to a consistent practice? How do we apply the lessons that are learned on our mat? Join Taylor to dive deeper into the philosophy behind the Ashtanga method. Learn about the therapeutic benefits and how the practice translates into our daily lives. 2 hour talk, $50

2-4pm: Transitions - Lifting Up and Jumping Back — In the Ashtanga system, the vinyasa is the thread that links each posture like the beads of a mala. While lifting up, jumping back, and jumping through may seem daunting at first, this course lays the groundwork to begin building the core strength and bandha awareness that allows you to float through the transitions. Learn how to begin moving through these transitions with ease to bring grace and fluidity to your practice.  We will also spend time looking at the vinyasa count to further cultivate the meditative aspect of the practice. This is a fun and challenging workshop for all levels of practitioners. 2 hour workshop, $80

Sunday June 25th

7:30-9:30am: Mysore Style Class -- Join Taylor for a unique opportunity to receive individual attention and deepen your practice in a Mysore-Style setting. 2-hour class, $40

10am-12pm: Chanting — 2-hour workshop, $80


$250 for the Full Weekend; Individual Sessions as listed above

Cancellation Policy:

Cancellations made up to 14 days prior to the start of the Workshop will receive a refund minus any credit card fees already accrued and a $15 handling fee. No refunds will be given for cancellations made within 14 days of the start of the Workshop.

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Ross Stambaugh Returns!
to May 21

Ross Stambaugh Returns!

  • Ashtanga Yoga School Raleigh (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join AYS Raleigh in welcoming Ross Stambaugh back for another weekend of practice and study in the Ashtanga Vnyasa yoga tradition.

Ross is a 20+ year veteran of Ashtanga Yoga, and is an authorized teacher who learned directly under the teachings of Saraswati Jois in Mysore, India. When he is not traveling internationally for workshops, he welcomes the opportunity to help all levels of dedicated yoga practitioners. He makes annual trips to India to continue his studies and has assisted Saraswati on multiple occasions. Ross seeks to preserve the traditional Ashtanga method by maintaining a daily practice, and has extensive knowledge in the areas of pranayama, philosophy (yoga sutras), and certainly asana. His teaching style is grounded with the same integrity and patience that was taught to him by his teachers, and you’ll always find him smiling. When is he not on his mat, he is a public school art teacher and holds a post-master’s degree in Education. Ross has been a collegiate swimmer, judoka, and climber. Nowadays, you’ll find him walking his dogs or enjoying a motorcycle ride.

Follow Ross on Instagram @ashtanga.yoga.ross to learn more about his teaching style.


Saturday May 20th

7:30-9:30am Mysore Style — Students will be taught the Ashtanga Yoga method as it is still taught in Mysore, India today. Students will practice their asanas and receive 1-on-1 instruction, assists, and/or modifications in a group setting. Students should be familiar with the Ashtanga Yoga Sequence with a regular weekly practice. Duration 2 hrs; $35

10am-12pm Myths and Metaphors of Hindu Gods and Goddesses — Join Ross as he explains the power of Hindu Mythology and storytelling as it relates to asana (yoga postures) an yoga at large. The lecture will cover the well known Gods and Goddesses of Peri-Vedic mythology and use stories from the Ramayana, Mahabharata and Bhagavad Gita. Duration 2 hrs; $35

2-4pm Bettering Your Backbends — This workshop will look at backbends fro the Ashtanga Primary and Secondary series. Theory will be discussed, followed by practice of the asanas and ways to modify, change and assist. *Students should be comfortable pressing into ”wheel pose” is required. Duration 90 min-2 hrs; $70

Sunday May 21st

7:30-9:30am Mysore Style Students will be taught the Ashtanga Yoga method as it is still taught in Mysore, India today. Students will practice their asanas and receive 1-on-1 instruction, assists, and/or modifications in a group setting. Students should be familiar with the Ashtanga Yoga Sequence with a regular weekly practice. Duration 2 hrs; $35

10:00-11:30am Breath of Yoga — This workshop is for students ready to bridge the gap between asana (postures) and starting an independent pranayama (yogic breathing) practice. Theory will be discussed, followed by a traditional pranayama sequence involving 6 specific techniques. Duration 90 min; $70

1:30-3:30pm Third Series Open Workshop **Add On Session — Have you dipped your toes into the Third Series of Ashtanga and have some questions? Join Ross for this Special Session aimed at helping you unlock that struggle pose. Bring your questions and deepen your understanding of this series of challenging Leg Behind Head, Arm Balance, and Backbending postures. Aptly named Sthira Bhaga - meaning Strength and Grace, or Divine Stability, Third Series is a wonderful, deeply devotional practice, but it is no joke, and is best approached after some time practicing Primary and Second series. So if you’re on the fence about attending, reach out with any questions you may have :-) Duration 2 hrs; $70 **This session is not included in the “Full Weekend”

Investment: $220 for Full Weekend; Individual Sessions as listed above

Cancellations made up to 14 days prior to the start of the Workshop will receive a refund minus any credit card fees already accrued. No refunds will be given for cancellations made within 14 days of the start of the Workshop.

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An Evening of Bhakti with Rangadevi & Vinoda
5:00 PM17:00

An Evening of Bhakti with Rangadevi & Vinoda

Join us for an evening of sacred sounds and mantras.  Bringing a combined experience of over 20 years with kirtan, Rangadevi and Vinoda will be guiding us in the experience with joyous, meditative and touching melodies which are meant for cleansing the mind and bringing light into the world.

About Rangadevi and Vinoda:

Rangadevi Dasi has had a life-long love of music and singing and has lived a lifestyle of bhakti yoga for over two decades.  She founded the Samadhi Kirtan Band in 2009 and since then has led workshops on Healing with Sacred Sound. She has studied with kirtan artist David Stringer and recorded and produced her first CD, Kalpa-Vriksa in June of 2015.  

Similarly, Vinoda carried his early love for music into a monastery within a small spiritual community in Denver, Colorado where he learned the heart of kirtan, as well as the traditional culture of India. Currently Vinoda works as an interfaith chaplain and has a desire to develop kirtan and bhakti communities in the Raleigh area. 

Only recently have the two gotten together to share their love for kirtan with others. They both have a deep conviction in the power of chanting to cleanse and soothe the hearts of individuals and communities of all types and are excited to host the evening at AYSR.

Donations collected at the door; Suggested donation $20

Sign up on the Class Schedule to RSVP

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Half Day Meditation Retreat
10:00 AM10:00

Half Day Meditation Retreat

Just Sit Raleigh Dharma with Cary Brief Presents

Half Day Mediation Retreat on the Brahmaviharas

Also known as the Divine Abodes, the Heart Practices, the Four Immeasurables of:

Loving Kindness, Compassion, Appreciative Joy and Equanimity

This five hour half day retreat will take us into an exploration of the heart pratices which are also called the Brahmavihārās, the Divine Abodes or the Four Immeasurables. Whatever you call these loving and friendly mindstates is less important than the moral beauty that stems from understanding and developing them. Through talks on each of the four, Metta or Loving Kindness, Karuna or Compassion, Mudita or Appreciative Joy and Upekka or Equanimity you will begin or deepen your understanding of them. During guided meditations on each one you will learn how to embody these valuable mind states. We will do sitting and walking meditation, before each session we will engage in a short gentle movement practice to keep the body happy and comfortable. Beverages and fruit will be provided. No previous Buddhist or Meditation practice is required however there will be plenty here for the seasoned practitioner as well. There is a good reason we call this a practice, because we are always learning.

$25 Donation

Light snacks provided

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Handstand Workshop with Melissa Ratkovich
9:00 AM09:00

Handstand Workshop with Melissa Ratkovich

  • Ashtanga Yoga School Raleigh (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS


Melissa Ratkovich, Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga teacher and handstand aficionado, will teach the fundamentals of handstands in a fun and safe environment. Explore handstands from a yogic perspective and learn smart handstand progressions, alignment cues and exercise drills to make you stronger and move you forward as you turn your journey upside down. 

There are many benefits to getting upside down in a handstand. Handstands energize the body by sending blood to our brains, they reverse the effects of gravity by decompressing the spine, they build upper body strength, and most of all, handstands build confidence. Remember that one small step toward getting upside down is the start to a new perspective. Shift happens when you are willing to go out of your comfort zone and are willing to challenge yourself. Shift is often subtle, but it is exhilarating. When you exercise your bravery muscles, you will witness new revelations about yourself.

$50 for 2-Hour Workshop

About Melissa

Melissa has a love for movement and Yoga. A traditional Ashtanga practitioner and avid handstander for the past 4 years. Melissa believes there is something sacred and magical that can be unlocked through inversions and that handstands play a big role in her youthful demeanor. Melissa's Ashtanga practice is her time for ritual and spirituality, while handstands remind her to play and stay lighthearted. Both equally important in her journey towards growth and human development. 

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