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Workshop - Backbends for ALL LEVELS

Join Stacy Ingham for an exploration of Backbends of all shapes and sizes. Extension of the spine (bending backwards) in any amount is beneficial to the body and mind, as it counteracts the more common action of flexion (as in sitting, driving, standing with poor posture or looking at a phone/computer/book). They say you are only as young as your spine is flexible, and waking up the actions necessary to extend the spine leads to more flexibility, vitality and a more youthful you!

We’ll begin this workshop with a short discussion, moving on to some foundational backbends from the belly (shalabhasana, dhanurasana, etc), and beyond to more active lifting of the spine from the supine position (bridge pose and urdhva dhanurasana). Finally, we’ll look at extending backward from an upright position (ustrasana/camel, kapotasana, dropping back to floor). We’ll move through these postures in an “easiest to hardest” progression, so ALL LEVELS are welcome. You are sure to gain some insights no matter where you are in your practice.